Tuesday, July 25, 2006

VBS - It's A Fiesta!

It's been a Fiesta every night at VBS! Kids are having a great time and hearing the Good News about Jesus, our Friend. Here's some great pictures. Hey - who's that pepper?

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Blog difficulties fixed - keep those photos coming!

Some of you might have been experiencing difficulties receiving our feeds or blog e-mail subscription. We've managed to straighten that out, and since VBS is starting tonight, we want you to send in your best VBS pictures and testimonies! Just mail them in to the office.

It's a FIESTA!


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Saturday, July 22, 2006

VBS info for workers tomorrow!

A message from Jeannette:

Hola my Special FIESTA FANS! I trust you are all doing well and excited about VBS tomorrow!

I just want to remind you all that there is NO VBS meeting during the 10:00 hour at church tomorrow. We are celebrating the installation of Pastors Steve and Caren Petfield.

We will meet at 5:30 Sunday night and at 6:00 all the other nights. Please come immediately to the Prayer room when you arrive. If you are helping as a crew leader of Silly Chilies, then you will meet with Rosanna at 5:30 in the Children's Church room.

DON'T FORGET YOUR T-SHIRTS - If you have not picked one up at the meetings we have had, please see me when you arrive.



Thank you for all of your hard work! Jesus we give this all to you for your Glory, may many young hearts come to know you this week!

Love in Christ,

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

This weekend at Harvest Time

Friday, July 7
10:00 am Young at Heart Bible Study & Luncheon
7:00 pm Men’s Prayer

Sunday, July 9, 2006
8:30 am Worship Service
9:00 am KinderChurch
10:00 am Intercessory Prayer
10:00 am Hospitality Meeting

(Meeting in the conference room for anyone interested in serving in the hospitality ministry)

11:00 am Worship Service
11:30 am KinderChurch, KingdomKids

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