Cleansing Stream Returns to Harvest Time
Click Here to Register Today!
Meeting times:
Tuesday evenings at 7 PM, beginning September 5
Cleansing Stream is an eight-week seminar which helps us to understand that true Christian growth means developing a Christ-like character. True discipleship is more than simply acquiring theological knowledge, it’s cooperating with the Holy Spirit as He works to make us look more and more like Jesus every day. With this in mind, Cleansing Stream addresses some troublesome areas of behavior and ways of thinking that perhaps we grew accustomed to in our life “before Christ.” Born out of a conviction that radical change is possible, this seminar will challenge you to reach out for the Lord’s transforming power in important areas such as:
* Walking in the Spirit as opposed to walking in the flesh
* Developing a lifestyle of worship
* Seeing your home become a place of worship and God’s peace
* Learning to speak words that minister blessing and life
* Walking in forgiveness
* Closing the door on the occult and unclean behaviors
In addition to live teachings and small group discussion, participants listen to anointed teaching messages on CD and read several books by well-known Christian authors who convey powerful truths about the freedom that’s ours in Christ.
The highlight of Cleansing Stream is a weekend retreat where, in an atmosphere of worship, participants pray to break and renounce thought patterns, behaviors and influences that have kept them from enjoying the abundant life that Jesus died to bring them. Many Harvest Time members have described the Cleansing Stream Seminar and retreat as life-changing and have testified that they will never be the same again!
(Please note that there are costs associated with this seminar for materials ($90.00 for Singles & $125.00 for Married Couples) and the retreat (TBA) which are set by the Cleansing Stream ministry and over which Harvest Time has no control.)
To register, please click here or use the link above.
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester