Thanks to Tara Root for tons of great pictures from the recent Missions trip to Senegal!
Stop by on our Flickr site and check them out at:
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Senegal Pictures on Flickr
Posted by
Harvest Time
11:10 AM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Lots of new HT photos on Flickr!
It's cold today and VBS is long over - but wouldn't you like to revisit the summer just for a few minutes?
We've been busy adding lots of new pictures from throughout 2006 onto our new Flickr site - stop by and check it out! There are pictures from VBS, Midpoint Cafe, and lots of other great Harvest Time shots. Watch great photo slideshows and see all kinds of things at:
Keep those pictures coming in to us; this site will be as special and memorable as WE make it!
You can also help us out by spreading the word about how tremendously cool and awesome this blog is! tell all your friends in the church to visit The Harvest blog and our Flickr site!
Posted by
Harvest Time
4:40 PM
Thanksgiving at Harvest Time
A ham awaits its fate...
We know it's not about the food, right? May God bless you at Thanksgiving time!
Wednesday, November 22
Thanksgiving Eve Service, 7:00 pm for the entire family
Thursday, November 23
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 24
Church Office Closed
Sunday, November 26
Normal Sunday Service Schedule
Posted by
Harvest Time
12:15 PM
Friday, November 17, 2006
Major Changes in Harvest Time's Online Resources
We're making some changes to help you access Harvest Time information better and have fun doing it, too! Two things we want you to be aware of:
1. Flickr
What's a flickr? Flickr is the leading photo website on the entire Web, and now Harvest Time has its own Flickr site!
You can see Harvest Time's pictures by visiting this address:
There are tons of great features, albums to see and no passwords or accounts are needed to view pictures.
Do you have some great HT pictures you'd like us to post? Send in your great digital pictures to the church office. (Sorry - no time to scan!) It can be a photo of a church event, or even a great picture of Greenwich. Remember... these photos, once submitted, will be posted online. Don't panic - if you see a picture of yourself online that you'd like pulled, just let us know. We aim to please! So... start sending us your best HT pictures!
2. Airset Calendar to be replaced by Google Calendar
I'm afraid that the Airset experiment is not working out. Although it has some great features, the need for a password can create extra steps and annoyances for some people. Also, we do have a privacy concern with Airset as there may not be sufficient anonymity, particularly as the church continues to grow. For these reasons, we will no longer be updating the Airset calendar. It will not be taken down right away, so if you need data, it will still be available.
In place of Airset, we will begin to use Google Calendar as a web calendar. Google Calendar is up and coming and I think you'll enjoy it. The link to the calendar is impossibly long, so access it via the links on this blog or through the home page of our website at No passwords needed! We'll continue to update the events list on the website, of course.
(Bonus for Gmail users: if you are using Google Calendar as your personal calendar, you will be able to subscribe to HT's Google calendar. How cool is that?)
Please contact us if you have any comments or questions about these two steps, and thanks!
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
12:16 AM
Friday, November 03, 2006
Mid Point Cafe Tonight with Special Guest The Siloam Band
The Siloam Band
Tonight Mid Point Cafe features the music of Siloam Band. Doors open at 6:30pm, event starts at 7:30 p m. Donations at the door: Adults $10 Teens $5.
The Siloam Band, winners of New England Musicians Expo national talent showcase, takes the stage with authority and passion beyond their years. Alden Skidd, the 14 year old lead singer, is a gifted songwriter and guitarist, whose passionate vocals sing of God's mercy. Georgia, provides a solid foundation for the band through her classical training and rock influences on keyboards. Georgia's voice adds an airy texture to the strong harmonies. Gabrielle plays an electric 5 string violin with boldness and energy. Although classically trained she is not afraid to use her pedal board to challenge the guitar solos. Auguste, the youngest member, is a powerhouse on vocals and an accomplished organ player, who co-wrote with Georgia the track "Breakdown".
For more on Siloam or to hear clips visit them at
Opening tonight is Harvest Time's own Melissa Vogel.
We're also happy to let you know that Mid Point Cafe now has its own website!
Visit Mid Point online at:
Come out tonight for a great night of Gospel music and a cup of Java!
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:18 PM
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Harvest Festival is a Hootin' Hollerin' Success
Howdy y'all!
Sunday night's Harvest Festival was a hit! About 100 children and their families came out and enjoyed crafts, games, face and hand painting, a marshmallow roast at the fire and fun hayrides hosted by Augustin Farm... thanks John, Kathy and Dave!
In addition, there were lots of delicious homemade fall desserts, hot cocoa and cider and loads and loads of candy... yum!
Generation "A" Children's Ministries extends a very special thank you to everyone who helped with this year's festival. The evening was full of wonderful family fellowship. More pictures to follow!
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
9:21 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Harvest Festival is just around the corner!
Hey Kids… you, your family and your friends are invited to a Fabulous Family Fall Festival full of fun, food & fellowship.
When: Sunday, October 29th @ 6:00 pm
Where: Harvest Time Church International, 1338 King Street, Greenwich
Come enjoy games, crafts, face painting, hot dogs, desserts, cider and even roasting "mallows" over an open fire. And, of course, there will be lots and lots of candy in the "trunks of treats." Bags will be provided. You’re welcome to dress in a Harvest theme or simply wear Harvest colors. Bring your friends…see ya there!
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
2:26 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Mid Point Cafe returns this Friday with Special Guest The Mark Adamy Band
Mid Point Cafe returns this Friday, October 6th at 7:30 pm with special guest the Mark Adamy Band. Mark Adamy is a singer/songwriter, pianist and producer. Admission is $10.00 and the doors open at 6:30 pm.
Mark has studied music since his early childhood and has been performing professionally from the age of 12. The combination of a soulful musical presence, scintillating technique and skillful arrangements has thrilled audiences. A resident of Boston for several years, Mark was a popular artist there and won honors that include Entertainer of the Year and Boston Music awards nominations. He now resides in the New York City area.
Concerts and tour credits span a wide range of styles and include performances with Chaka Khan, James Brown, The Four Tops, John-Lee Hooker, Pieces of a Dream, Lisa Fisher, John Secada, Howard Hewitt, Phil Driscoll, Phil Keaggy, Warren Hill, Roger Humphries and many others. Mark has also played keyboards for Broadway productions and has been the musical director for off-Broadway productions in NYC.Mark has a long list of CD/album credits, as well, that are comprised of a wide range of genres. The eagerly anticipated new Mark Adamy CD is soon to be nationally released and is presently in negotiations. His first solo recording project, Almost There received national airplay. The Real Silk Band received an award as “Best new jazz group” from Pittsburgh Magazine – Mark produced the CD in addition to performing on it and being one of its primary composers.
For directions to Harvest Time and Mid Point Cafe, please use links at right.
Tags: Greenwich, Connecticut, Westchester, Music, Christian
Posted by
Harvest Time
5:16 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Don't ever read this blog again!
Ummm, maybe I should explain that...
In the column at the right is a box that says "Get Posts By E-Mail." Through the miracle of modern technology, you can simply enter your e-mail address and then - presto! - you will begin to receive blog posts right in your e-mail.
But, you may ask me, Pastor Nick, what does such an e-mail look like? I'm so glad you asked! It looks like this:
If a blog post is short, the entire post will probable fit in the e-mail.
If not, you can always click to see more.
This is just another way for you to stay in touch and see what's happening here without having to "visit" the blog.
Questions? Write me or leave a comment.
Posted by
Harvest Time
12:37 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sunday School Open House This Sunday
This Sunday at 10 am, please come and visit your child's classroom, meet teachers and learn about our exciting vision for Sunday School!
Refreshments will be served.
Please note: the Bringing Up Boys adult Sunday School class will not meet this Sunday so that parents may participate in the open house.
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:23 PM
Sunday School Open House This Sunday
This Sunday at 10 am, please come and visit your child's classroom, meet teachers and learn about our exciting vision for Sunday School!
Refreshments will be served.
Please note: the Bringing Up Boys adult Sunday School class will not meet this Sunday so that parents may participate in the open house.
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:23 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Become A PowerPoint Star!
This is your chance to become a PowerPoint star...
If you've always wanted to have your finger on what's happening in our services - literally - then this is the opportunity you've been looking for!
Our Worship Coordinator, Sue DiPalma, is on the hunt for fresh volunteers for the PowerPoint ministry. In our technically advanced era, we've come to rely on presentation software for our song lyrics, announcements and sermon notes. You can pick up some new computer skills and bless the congregation by learning to run PowerPoint in either the first or the second service. As a special bonus, you'll also get to hang out in the back of the room with the cool sound guys and ushers!
If you're interested, please call the church office at (203) 531-7778.
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:05 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006
At Harvest Time This Weekend
This weekend our special guest will be Dr. Gary Kellner. Dr. Gary is president of the International Center for Christian Leadership, a cutting-edge training program that serves young ministers in numerous countries.
Dr. Gary has been instrumental in the burgeoning revival in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union; he has also been a long-time friend and mentor of Pastor Glenn and HTCI.
For a complete listing of services and events for the coming week, see our bulletin here.
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:49 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006
Cool Fun at Ice Cream Social!
Our Wednesday evening Ice Cream Social was a big hit! A sincere thank-you to everyone who crushed walnuts, chopped bananas, and served the scoops to the large crowd of kids, teens and adults. Harvest Time also celebrated its first-ever Popsicle Eating Contest. There were many categories and finally Matthew Dossantos and Izzy Pabon tied as winners (see picture above).
In 4 minutes, they ate a total of seven Ice Pops each...good sports!
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:51 AM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
It's time to GROW at Harvest Time!
Get ready to grow with us this Fall! We have an exciting line-up of activites and offerings on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for children, teens, and adults. There's something for everyone - what about you?
Click to learn more!
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
9:19 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Alpha Course at Harvest Time

Three times a year, Harvest Time Church offers the Alpha Course. Alpha is an eleven week study for those interested in finding out more about the Christian faith, and is the most popular course of its kind in the world. Some 8 million people worldwide have been to Alpha!
- Who is Jesus?
- How to Read the Bible
- How to Resist Evil, and
- Does God Heal Today?
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
10:49 AM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Cleansing Stream Seminar Returns
Cleansing Stream Returns to Harvest Time
Click Here to Register Today!
Meeting times:
Tuesday evenings at 7 PM, beginning September 5
Cleansing Stream is an eight-week seminar which helps us to understand that true Christian growth means developing a Christ-like character. True discipleship is more than simply acquiring theological knowledge, it’s cooperating with the Holy Spirit as He works to make us look more and more like Jesus every day. With this in mind, Cleansing Stream addresses some troublesome areas of behavior and ways of thinking that perhaps we grew accustomed to in our life “before Christ.” Born out of a conviction that radical change is possible, this seminar will challenge you to reach out for the Lord’s transforming power in important areas such as:
* Walking in the Spirit as opposed to walking in the flesh
* Developing a lifestyle of worship
* Seeing your home become a place of worship and God’s peace
* Learning to speak words that minister blessing and life
* Walking in forgiveness
* Closing the door on the occult and unclean behaviors
In addition to live teachings and small group discussion, participants listen to anointed teaching messages on CD and read several books by well-known Christian authors who convey powerful truths about the freedom that’s ours in Christ.
The highlight of Cleansing Stream is a weekend retreat where, in an atmosphere of worship, participants pray to break and renounce thought patterns, behaviors and influences that have kept them from enjoying the abundant life that Jesus died to bring them. Many Harvest Time members have described the Cleansing Stream Seminar and retreat as life-changing and have testified that they will never be the same again!
(Please note that there are costs associated with this seminar for materials ($90.00 for Singles & $125.00 for Married Couples) and the retreat (TBA) which are set by the Cleansing Stream ministry and over which Harvest Time has no control.)
To register, please click here or use the link above.
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
4:30 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Five great, free bible resources!
There's a surprising amount of high-quality Bible study material and helps available online nowadays, and with just a little effort your library can exceed what once would have required literally yards of bookshelf space. Let's look at five of these, each one of which has its own unique flavor.
Christians haven't ignored society's increased reliance on the Web, and are also taking note of the "Web 2.0" phenomenon, where web applications can replace, or nearly replace desktop software. A new entry in the online bible study field,, consciously takes a Web 2.0 approach by allowing you tag verse and save bookmarks. Several different Bible versions are available and they seem to be adding features. Note: this is a beta release.
This site boasts an impressive number of Bible resources and free commentaries, and also hosts a lot of articles, audio resources, pastoral and worship resources, etc. Visually, this site is a litle cluttered, but I can excuse that because they are packing so much into it. It's a great place to poke around.
Those who want to do a little more theological digging should try out This site also seems to be growing by leaps and bounds, probably capitalizing off the interest in their NET Bible translation. If you want to read a deep, exegetical commentary on the Book of Nahum, this is the place for you! Another bonus: the organization not only enables you to freely download their translation, but to use it without fear of copyright infringement.
Blue Letter Bible
I've had this one bookmarked for a long time - and for good reason! It has some great features, including easy phrase searches. If you still rely on Strong's Concordance, you'll find it a joy to be able to search phrases like "Kingdom of God" without going blind in the process. Lots of study tools round out the picture, including audio and video from preachers past and present such as J. Vernon McGee, Ray Stedman, and many of the well-known Calvary Chapel pastors.
This last one is a real gem - the most powerful free Bible software you are likely to find in the English language. This is not a website, but a free software download for Windows and Pocket PC. Developer Rick Meyers believes in "freely you have received, freely give," and he demonstrated it here. He compares E-Sword to $500 packages that the typical layperson finds inaccessible - and he's not bragging. A number of additional "modules" can be downloaded to add extra dictionaries, concordances, and other well-known works. There are powerful note-taking features and basic word processing for your own writing. A fuller feature list is available here.
Whether you're looking for a good daily devotional or are up to your elbows in serious study, even sermon preparation, these free resources will prove to be a great blessing.
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
2:59 PM
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
VBS - It's A Fiesta!
It's been a Fiesta every night at VBS! Kids are having a great time and hearing the Good News about Jesus, our Friend. Here's some great pictures. Hey - who's that pepper?

Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
7:43 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Blog difficulties fixed - keep those photos coming!
Some of you might have been experiencing difficulties receiving our feeds or blog e-mail subscription. We've managed to straighten that out, and since VBS is starting tonight, we want you to send in your best VBS pictures and testimonies! Just mail them in to the office.
It's a FIESTA!
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
7:57 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
VBS info for workers tomorrow!
Hola my Special FIESTA FANS! I trust you are all doing well and excited about VBS tomorrow!
I just want to remind you all that there is NO VBS meeting during the 10:00 hour at church tomorrow. We are celebrating the installation of Pastors Steve and Caren Petfield.
We will meet at 5:30 Sunday night and at 6:00 all the other nights. Please come immediately to the Prayer room when you arrive. If you are helping as a crew leader of Silly Chilies, then you will meet with Rosanna at 5:30 in the Children's Church room.
DON'T FORGET YOUR T-SHIRTS - If you have not picked one up at the meetings we have had, please see me when you arrive.
Thank you for all of your hard work! Jesus we give this all to you for your Glory, may many young hearts come to know you this week!
Love in Christ,
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
10:19 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
This weekend at Harvest Time
Friday, July 7
10:00 am Young at Heart Bible Study & Luncheon
7:00 pm Men’s Prayer
Sunday, July 9, 2006
8:30 am Worship Service
9:00 am KinderChurch
10:00 am Intercessory Prayer
10:00 am Hospitality Meeting
(Meeting in the conference room for anyone interested in serving in the hospitality ministry)
11:00 am Worship Service
11:30 am KinderChurch, KingdomKids
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
6:10 PM
Friday, June 30, 2006
This weekend at Harvest Time
Friday, June 30, 2006
9:00 am – 10:00 pm TNT Fireworks Stand on Holly Hill Lane
Saturday, July 1, 2006
9:00 am – 10:00 pm TNT Fireworks Stand on Holly Hill Lane
Sunday, July 2, 2006
8:30 am Worship Service
10:00 am Intercessory Prayer
11:00 am Worship Service
9:00 am – 10:00 pm TNT Fireworks Stand on Holly Hill Lane
Monday, July 3, 2006
Church Office Closed
9:00 am – 10:00 pm TNT Fireworks Stand on Holly Hill Lane
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Church Office Closed
9:00 am – 10:00 pm TNT Fireworks Stand on Holly Hill Lane
Special Notice Concerning Evangelism Outreach!
We now have evangelism cards available at the Welcome Center for you to fill out when you lead someone to the Lord. There will also be a box available to place cards that are filled out. Watch in the coming weeks for the next evangelism meeting as we are forming an evangelism team. If you have any questions, please e-mail or call Dawn DosSantos.
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:46 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2006
This weekend at Harvest Time!
Friday, June 23
10:00 am Young at Heart (60 & over)
9:00 am – 10:00 pm TNT Fireworks Stand opens on Holly Hill Lane
Saturday, June 24
3:00 pm Murphy/Phillips Wedding
9:00 am – 10:00 pm TNT Fireworks
Sunday, June 25
8:30 am Worship Service
9:00 am KinderChurch
10:00 am Sunday School (last day); Intercessory Prayer
11:00 am Worship Service
11:30 am KinderChurch; Kingdom Kids
4:00 pm Baptism Service (Home of Stacia Morris)
9:00 am – 10:00 pm TNT Fireworks
Posted by
Harvest Time
1:53 PM
Saturday, June 17, 2006
David Wagner to speak at Full Gospel Businessmen's Meeting
David Wagner will be speaking at the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Dinner at the White Plains Esplanade Hotel on Friday, June 23rd at 6:45 pm. David has a powerful and challenging prophetic ministry and you will be blessed by this meeting.
The cost of the dinner is $20.00. Please call 914-946-5631 or 914-681-0723 for reservations.
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
1:28 PM
Saturday, June 10, 2006
It's almost time for VBS!
Vacation Bible School is coming July 23-27!
It's time for a Fiesta where kids are fired up about Jesus!
VBS for children ages 3 up through 5th grade completed) will begin on Sunday evening, July 23rd and run through Thursday, July 27th.
Worker’s meeting is TOMORROW at 10:00 am!
Tags: Greenwich
Posted by
Harvest Time
2:15 PM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Summer Schedules for Adults and Children
Harvest Time begins its Summer Schedule this week with:
During June, July and August, we are asking parents of KinderChurch aged children (ages 2-4) to please bring the children to the sanctuary for worship. The Children will be dismissed immediately following Worship to go to KinderChurch.
KinderChurch in First Service will begin approximately 9:00 am. KinderChurch in Second Service will begin approximately 11:30 am. If anyone is interested in ministering in KinderChurch, please contact Marie Hennessy. If you have any questions, please contact Marie or the Church Office.
Tuesdays: 40 Days of Purpose beginning June 6th at 7:00 pm
- Tent of Meeting Worship and Prayer beginning Wednesday, June 7th at 7:00 pm
- Royal Rangers, Missionnettes, Rainbows and Nursery will continue on Wednesdays through June 28th
- Flipsyde Youth will continue through the summer.
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
12:08 PM
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Register for Learning Garden Summer Camp this week!
Registration for The Learning Garden Summer Arts and Science Camp ends Friday, June 2nd!
There are 3 Sessions available for children ages 3 - 10:
Sesion I - June 26 – July 7 $450.00
Session II - July 10 – July 21 $500.00
Session III - July 31 – August 11 $500.00
The children will enjoy a camp experience rich in many different areas of Art and Science. The campers will get inspiration from stories in the Bible.
3 year olds – Monday thru Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
4-10 year olds – Monday thru Friday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Please e-mail here if interested or call the Learning Garden office at 203-531-7226.
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
10:55 AM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Popular 40 Days of Purpose course returns to Harvest Time!
What is 40 Days of Purpose?
- A spiritual growth emphasis in which we'll discover and learn to walk in God's purposes for our lives.
- A journey in which we'll explore God's 5 purposes for each one of our lives and answer the question, "What On Earth Am I Here For?"
- A national campaign that literally thousands of churches have participated in.
40 Days of Purpose is based on the book The Purpose-Driven Life, by Pastor Rick Warren. Over 25 million copies of this book have been sold, making it the best-selling non-fiction book... ever! Forty brief, daily readings help us connect with God's plan for our lives. We'll also study a special Purpose-Driven Life curriculum in small groups over six weeks.
The Campaign begins with a Simulcast of a message by Pastor Rick Warren on Tuesday evening, June 6. On Wednesday, June 7th, we'll also begin reading The Purpose-Driven Life together, one chapter a day.
Join us and discover the excitement of purpose-driven living!
Register by clicking here.

Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:17 PM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Revival meetings are over - revival will go on!
We give thanks to the Lord for His goodness over the past several weeks - the final count of decisions for Christ during the time Tommie Zito's ministry was among us was over 1380! Many people reported that they led friends and family members to the Lord, some of whom they had been praying for for many years.
This past Sunday, Pastor Glenn delivered a powerful message on looking honestly at our ways. Our motives may be right, but our ways may not always be according to the Spirit of Christ. In both services we also received an inspiring and challenging prophetic message from our friend David Wagner. In the evening, our network churches gathered together for worship and to hear a great word from Pastor Jan Nel about the coming move of God in our region. What a great day in God's house!
Continue to press in with us in prayer for a greater and deeper work of the Spirit in our midst.
Tags: Connecticut, Christian, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
6:39 PM
Friday, May 19, 2006
Harvest Time This Weekend
Friday, May 19, 2006
10:30 am Morning Service with Tommie Zito Ministries
7:00 pm Revival Service with Tommie Zito Ministries
Saturday, May 20, 2006
10:00 am Anointing Service with Tommie Zito Ministries
Sunday, May 21, 2006 - Membership Sunday
8:30 am Worship Service
10:00 am Sunday School, Intercessory Prayer, Membership Gathering
11:00 am Worship Service
7:00 pm Worship Service with Pastor Jan Nel
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
4:19 PM
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Men's Dinner with Allan Houston Rescheduled
The Harvest Time Men’s Dinner with guest speaker Allan Houston originally scheduled for this Friday, May 19th will now be held on Friday, May 26th at 7:00 pm.
Tickets are still available: please see Joe Scopoletti or Bob Licata.
Refunds are available for those who have tickets they cannot use.
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
2:45 PM
May 17th Revival Update
Last night was another night of celebration in God's house, as 164 decision cards were brought in and "thrown before the Lord!"
Read this powerful testimony: a man went to share the Lord with someone who was in a coma. Although perhaps not being 100% sure if the sick person could could hear him, he prayed for his friend anyway. At the point in the prayer where the person would ordinarily ask Christ into his heart, the comatose man opened his eyes and squeezed the hand of the man who was praying! The Word of God is truly alive and powerful.
People are picking up the habit of sharing Christ all over. A young security guard was led to the Lord in the mall today while helping a sister find a store. Another sister in the congregation led four members of her family to Christ at dinner!
Thank God for what He's doing!
Come out tonight for more great reports and a wonderful time of seeking God, at 7 PM.
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester, Christian
Posted by
Harvest Time
2:34 PM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
May 16th Revival Update
Join us tonight for a 7 pm revival service - this week let's press in to God!
This past Saturday night there was joy in the house as over 100 salvations were reported. It's starting to rain down decision cards!
We also basked in the glory of God and were encouraged to "ask God for anything!" One sister reported an instantaneous healing as she did so.
Join us tonight and see that anything can happen - and probably will!
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester, Christian
Posted by
Harvest Time
12:21 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
May 14th Revival Update - Meetings Extended
A message from Pastor Glenn:
Dear Friends,
This past week we experienced a tremendous outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Harvest Time. Each night has been characterized by a different sense of His presence — some nights have been filled with prophecy, some with dancing and rejoicing and others with intense intercession for Greenwich and the region. As of Friday evening, we have seen over 700 documented decisions for Christ! Among the converts are Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Many long-time members of our congregation have found new grace to lead family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors to the Lord. One businessman in our congregation led his younger brother to the Lord after praying 23 years for his salvation!
Because of the tremendous move we have experienced, we are extending the revival meetings with Tommie Zito into this week. We will meet tonight at 7:00 p.m. and Tuesday-Thursday at 7:00 p.m. On Wednesday-Friday, we will meet at 10:30 a.m. for the personal evangelism training that has turned our congregation upside down. We hope you will join us!
Love and blessings!
Tags: Connecticut, Christian, Evangelical, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
10:34 AM
Saturday, May 13, 2006
This Weekend at Harvest Time
Saturday, May 13
10:30 am
Anointing Service with Tommie Zito Ministries
Sunday, May 14 - Mother’s Day
8:30 am
Worship Service (Pastor Glenn preaching – Harvest Time Worship Team)
10:00 am
Sunday School
Intercessory Prayer
Membership Class
11:00 am
Worship (Pastor Glenn preaching – Harvest Time Worship Team)
11:30 am
7:00 pm
Revival Service with Tommie Zito Ministries
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:42 AM
Friday, May 12, 2006
Dynamic Parenting Seminar tomorrow evening with Pastor Jan Nel
Our friend Pastor Jan Nel is returning to the area and will present a seminar tomorrow evening on Dynamic Parenting at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 41 Easton Road, Westport.
During this seminar, Jan will guide us through several key areas of parenting using biblically based instruction on how to raise our children in today’s ever-changing world.
The seminar runs from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.
Following the seminar, there will be a reception in Wilton at the home of Gregg and Bridgette Healey. All attendees are welcome.
For additional information, please call (203) 227-7920.
Tags: Connecticut, Christian, Evangelical, Westport
Posted by
Harvest Time
4:52 PM
Schedule Update - Tommie Zito meetings extended!
Evangelist Tommie Zito and his crusade team will be extending their meetings with us until Friday, May 19th!
In addition to evening revival services, Tommie Zito Ministries will continue to conduct the morning schools of evangelism. Is it effective? Literally hundreds have already prayed to know Jesus as Savior in the Greenwich area as a result of this outreach! Join us for these life-changing meetings!
Schedule of Revival Services and Training
Friday, May 12
10:30 am Worship & Evangelism Training
7:00 pm Revival Service
Saturday, May 13
10:30 am Anointing Service
Sunday, May 14 - regular morning service schedule applies
7:00 pm Revival Service
Tuesday, May 16
7:00 pm Revival Service
Wednesday, May 17
10:30 am Worship & Evangelism Training
7:00 pm Revival Service
Thursday, May 18
10:30 am Worship & Evangelism Training
7:00 pm Revival Service
Friday, May 19
10:30 am Worship & Evangelism Training
Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
2:36 PM
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Revival Update: May 11
From Pastor Glenn:
Yesterday was our second day of personal evangelism training and practicing with the team from Tommie Zito Ministries. In the last two days we have had gathered over 350 commitment cards with decisions for Christ. After receiving the training, many long-time Believers have found new grace to lead family members, co-workers, friends and neighbors to Christ. A 21 year old woman who was saved during the Sunday morning service took the training on Tuesday morning and came last night with a half dozen people that she has led to Christ.
The sanctuary was packed for the 7:00 p.m. service last night. The worship EXPLODED and the entire sanctuary was dancing before the Lord for almost an hour. At the end of the service Tommie Zito prayed over each person for an impartation of evangelistic anointing—people were out under the power of God all over the sanctuary and foyer. I have experienced revival in several places, but last night’s service was one of the most amazing I’ve ever been in.
We will meet at 7:00 p.m. tonight and tomorrow night. We will have evangelism training tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m. We will also have an anointing service Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. We would love to see you! Blessings!
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:27 PM
The Harvest is coming in!
Amazing things are happening this week as the people of God are experiencing the "Day and Night Church!" In the daytime, teams of people are sharing God's love on the streets and elsewhere. At nights, people are soaking in His Presence and seeking more of His empowering for service!
Here's a word from Pastor Glenn:
Monday evening Tommie Zito spoke a powerful prophetic word over our congregation that confirmed many of the words that have been spoken over us by others. Significantly, he spoke many of the same words that David Wagner spoke over us, including supernatural debt cancellation and the release of significant financial resources for the work of the ministry. I felt as Tommie was speaking over us that God was releasing the fulfillment of these words now. I believe we will see significant things happen immediately.And again, yesterday, Harvest Time experienced one of its most amazing days, between the action on the streets and a life-changing service at night. One man came to the Lord as he was walking his dog around the property!
Tuesday morning a large group attended a training session in personal evangelism and then we “hit the streets.” On Greenwich Avenue I personally held the hand of a Muslim man, Ali, and prayed for him. I led a man named Gene in the sinner’s prayer. I walked by one of our Harvest Time members as she was leading a woman to the Lord in her car—the woman was in a pool of tears. I encourage you to join us this evening and tomorrow morning as we “hit the streets” again. Love and blessings!
Do not miss the remaining training sessions and services!
Thursday, May 11 and Friday, May 12
10:30 am Morning Service
7:00 pm Revival Service
Saturday, May 13
10:30 am Anointing Service
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich
Posted by
Harvest Time
11:21 AM
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Meetings With Tommie Zito Next Week At Harvest Time!
Evangelist Tommie Zito and his Crusade Team will be with us from Sunday, May 7th through Saturday, May 13th.
Tommie not only has an amazing anointing to lead people to Christ, but his larger vision is to see congregations themselves receive a powerful evangelistic anointing.
During the weekday mornings there will be a school of evangelism. Revival services will be held each night at 7:00 p.m. Tommie's services are marked by a heavy presence of the Lord with healings and conversions.
Join us in prayer and join us for these life-changing meetings!
Schedule of Services
Sunday, May 7, 2006
8:30 am Worship Service
10:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship Service
7:00 pm Revival Service
Monday, May 8, 2006
7:00 pm Revival Service
Tuesday, May 9 through Friday, May 12, 2006
10:30 am Morning Service
7:00 pm Revival Service
Saturday, May 13, 2006
10:30 am Anointing Service
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich
Posted by
Harvest Time
11:09 AM
National Day of Prayer Today
Join us today in lifting up our nation in prayer, and specifically ask God to be merciful to us. The theme of this year's National Day of Prayer is "America, Honor God."
The following prayer has been composed for the day by Dr. Henry Blackaby, who is the Honorary Chariman of the National Day of Prayer:
Oh Heavenly Father, You have made Yourself known to us as a nation by Your mighty works throughout our history. From the beginning, You have been with us through many wars and conflicts; Your right arm has saved us. We have been amazingly and graciously blessed.
Today, we confess our sin of not responding to Your right to rule in our lives and our nation. Too often we have despised and rejected Your will while imposing our own, and we are now facing the consequences of our disobedience. Draw us back to Yourself, that we may return to Your ways once again. Without You we can do nothing. You have promised that if we honor You, You will once again honor this great nation.
That is our fervent prayer. For Your honor and glory we pray, Amen.
Posted by
Harvest Time
9:48 AM
Saturday, April 29, 2006
At Harvest Time this Sunday!
8:30 am
Worship Service
9:00 am
Special Ushers Meeting in the Youth Room
10:00 am
Intercessory Prayer
Membership Class
Sunday School
11:00 am
Worship Service
7:00 pm
Regional Worship and Prayer Service For the State of Connecticut
Posted by
Harvest Time
6:48 PM
Monday, March 06, 2006
Attention Rangers, Missionettes and Rainbows!
Have you heard? This Wednesday, March 8th, we will not have our regular Rangers and Missionettes gathering…but don’t miss out! O.A.T.H. from Evangel University has something special in store for you. Come ready to enjoy a great evening with your friends at 7pm (downstairs).
Any questions…feel free to contact Commander Steve or Caren Petfield. See you Wednesday night!!
Posted by
Harvest Time
5:56 PM
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Missions Convention continues tonight...
We've already been blessed by the ministry of Teen Challenge last night and by the Ladies' Breakfast this morning, but there's more to come!
Tonight at 6:30 pm International Family Cuisine Night
Children's Mission Parade
Special Guest: Warren Van Dolsen, 20+ Year Missionary to Mexico and now to Milan, Italy
One of Harvest Time’s first Missionaries, The Van Dolsens have devoted over 20 years on the Mission Field. While in Mexico they helped pioneer and pastor 2 churches. As ICI director, they worked with LACC & ICI/Global University. Their mission the past 4 years has been to identify, equip and encourage Mexican believers called to plan and grow churches in Mexico City, working predominantly with the Anna Sanders Bible Institute, overseeing the remodeling of a 400-year-old building as well as developing a mentoring and student ministry program for the school. The Van Dolsens adopted 2 children from Mexico. At present they are in the US for itineration, preparing to go to Milan, Italy to start an International Church.
Posted by
Harvest Time
1:45 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
At Harvest Time This Weekend
Missions Weekend!
Friday, March 3rd
Saturday, March 4th
Women’s Breakfast, 9:00 am – Featuring Testimonies from Trinidad
International Family Cuisine, 6:30 pm
Evangel Team, 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 5th: Mission Pledge Sunday
Services at 8:30 and 11:00 am
Children’s International Parade & Special Music
Guest Speaker: Warren Van Dolsen, 20 Year Missionary to Mexico and now to Milan, Italy.
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:51 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Forty Days of Promise Begins Today!
Today is the launch of 40 Days Of Promise. Our hearts are full of anticipation over everything the Lord will do in our midst across the next 6 weeks!
Please join together in prayer with us each day, and seek the Lord about how you should fast.
You can pick up a copy of the 40 Days of Promise Devotional at the church Welcome Center, or, if you prefer, just click here for the online version. There is also a PDF version available by clicking here.
Great things are coming!
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:22 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
All services cancelled this morning!
Due to the weather, all services and Sunday School classes are cancelled today. We regret the inconvenience.
There's lot's happening this week, so you may view and print a copy of the online version of this week's church bulletin by clicking here.
Stay safe!
Posted by
Harvest Time
7:25 AM
Saturday, February 11, 2006
At Harvest Time This Weekend
Sunday, February 12
Membership Sunday
As of Saturday morning, we do not anticipate canceling our services tomorrow. However, if conditions worsen and it becomes necessary to issue any cancellations, it will be posted here and on our website. We will also try to alert the Greenwich radio station (WGCH 1490 am) and the Stamford radio station (WSTC 1400 am).
8:30 am
Worship Service
10:00 am
Membership Coffee, Sunday School
11:00 am
Worship Service
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Youth Drama Practice
Please note: the Joint Worship Service Sunday evening at St. Paul’s Darien has been cancelled.
Posted by
Harvest Time
2:16 PM
Friday, January 27, 2006
At Harvest Time this weekend
This Weekend at Harvest Time:
Sunday, January 29, 2005
8:30 am
Worship Service (Special Guest: David Wagner)
10:00 am
Sunday School
Membership Class
Intercessory Prayer
11:00 am
Worship Service (Special Guest: David Wagner)
11:30 am
Attention all parents of youth and those interested in serving in Youth Ministries: please meet with Pastor Chris and Jeannette immediately following Second Service on Sunday, January 29th!
7:00 pm
County Wide Prayer Service - come out and pray for Connecticut and our region!
Tags: Greenwich
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:05 PM
Thursday, January 26, 2006
More website changes
Hello Harvest Time,
Please stop by the website and see the changes we've made over the past week, including
- Lots of new text and information on the church in general such as our history and the story of how God led us to our new property.
- Complete calendar information which includes online registration for many events - especially appealing to those of you who never remember to sign those clipboards at the Welcome Center!
- A growing photo gallery which will include pictures of special events - stop by and see Trinidad photos you might have missed.
- News and services information right on the home page.
- Schedules for ministries such as Greeters, Nursery, PowerPoint, Ushers, and Worship Team are now all online (please note: private information such as e-mails and phone numbers will not appear). Just go to the Ministries section and find your ministry. If it's not there yet, we didn't forget you, we're still working on it!
- Class notes for certain ongoing Bible studies have also been posted, such as Christian Life Workshops 2 and 3, and Young at Heart.
Ministry leaders, please send along any additional information you'd like your teams to be able to see online - there's even room for a photo or two.
Pastor Nick
Tags: Connecticut, Christian, Evangelical
Posted by
Harvest Time
4:17 PM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Making the best use of our blog?
We can't tell how much time you all spend exploring the blog, but just be sure to check out the links on the right-hand side of the page. You'll find a lot of useful stuff over there.
Helpful links you might have missed:
- Christian Resources Links - popular destinations like, The Elijah List, Focus on the Family, and more
- Connecticut Christian Events Calendar - what's going on all over the State in churches, concerts, and special events
- Greenwich Public Schools Calendar - complete with homework!
- Harvest Time Church Calendar - a quick jump to our website's calendar
- Live Traffic from WNBC Channel 4 - this is a great site and very useful on your way out the door to Harvest Time
Be sure to pass along photos of any ministry activities or, if you'd like a feature story on your ministry or event, please contact Heather Retzlaff or Pastor Nick.
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich
Posted by
Harvest Time
9:44 PM
Website changes to check out -
Hello all! We've been working to upgrade the readability and usefulness of our website. Stop by and explore - although it doesn't yet contain everything we'd like, we're adding to it all the time. Already there are more news events and more helpful ministry features.
Attention Ministry leaders!
We're now able to upload documents or messages you'd like your teams to have onto the Web. For example, we have recently posted the ushers' and PowerPoint teams' schedules, as well as class notes for Christian Life Workshops 2 and 3. For an example, go to the site, then click on Ministries, then Media and Tech, and you'll see the PowerPoint ministry schedule.
We'll be working to flesh out more areas, but we need your help. Send anything you would liek to appear on the site to Pastor Nick. We can accept just about any format - Word, PDF, even pictures of your ministry in action!
Please note; if you do not see your ministry there yet, it's not because we forgot about you! We will gradually get everyone up there so the congregation and the community can see how we at Harvest Time are reaching out with the love of the Lord!
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:47 PM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Testimony: Bernie C.
I always said that I am too old and weak to do missions, but this Mission Trip to Trinidad stayed in my heart, so I said I need a confirmation from the Lord to go. I was reading 40-Days of Purpose and it said that you are not too old for missions. Some of my friends also gave me some kind of confirmation, but I did not listen. Then, one night when I arrived at our missions meeting just as I came in the door Steve pointed his finger at me with a strong and stern voice and said, “You are going on this Missions Trip.” I got scared and I went. This trip was the best blessing that the Lord has given me.
On the first trip to Kistow House, my first time to go to an orphanage, I was shocked and in tears. I looked at the eyes of the kids and saw there is something in their eyes that was missing and it touched my whole being. When we started the singing and decorating the Christmas tree the kids became lively and with smiles they helped with the decorations. The giving of the sneakers and especially the bicycle gave glow to their eyes and they became very excited and everyone wanted to get the first ride. That was fun!
On the VBS at Lady Ho Choy I was in charge of the children’s snack. It was just a joy to serve the down syndrome teenagers because they love the Lord. I got the idea of asking them to sing while waiting so everyone wanted to sing and dance and we all enjoyed singing together and one girl danced the African dance. That was great!
The 2nd VBS at St. Mary’s was with over 200 kids. While having the snack with the teenagers, there was one boy who carried his test paper with the grade of 95 and was trying to show it to anyone who would be interested. Me and my coworker focused on this need and we gave him praise and advice about continuing his education. He and the others interacted and talked about working hard to study and have an education. Then I heard that those kids over 18 are sent out in the street because they only house kids up to 18 years old, and sometimes they have nothing to eat out there so they go back to the orphanage to beg for food. I cannot do anything but pray for these kids and their future daily.
The dump experience was great. I was giving out tracks and these kids were following me and asking for tracks for their whole family. I was so excited while giving out these tracks. What I have noticed in these areas, the families are really poor but the children are different – they are happier and when you look in their eyes they are content. Then I realized that these kids are blessed because they have parents and they care and love and protect and feed them and do other personal matters in the family.
I ended up with diversified job helping in the shoe box preparation – organizing and checking the contents, removing the chocolate candy that had melted in some (!) and setting up a system for quick distribution. At the Faith Center we gave over (200++) gifts and shoeboxes and I bathed in my own perspiration.
I also joined the Salvation Show and that was a great show. At the end we stood in the back of the church. When the first call for salvation came only a few people stood up. We were all praying in the back. On the 2nd call a man went to the altar and over 100 people stood up and 6-8 orphaned children received the Lord. (These were the kids we ministered to at Hope Center!) That was a great night and the joy that I experienced there was indescribable.
It is great to work for the Lord. I came back a changed person and if it is God’s Will, I will go again.
Posted by
Heather Retzlaff
11:33 AM