Ummm, maybe I should explain that...
In the column at the right is a box that says "Get Posts By E-Mail." Through the miracle of modern technology, you can simply enter your e-mail address and then - presto! - you will begin to receive blog posts right in your e-mail.
But, you may ask me, Pastor Nick, what does such an e-mail look like? I'm so glad you asked! It looks like this:
If a blog post is short, the entire post will probable fit in the e-mail.
If not, you can always click to see more.
This is just another way for you to stay in touch and see what's happening here without having to "visit" the blog.
Questions? Write me or leave a comment.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Don't ever read this blog again!
Posted by
Harvest Time
12:37 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sunday School Open House This Sunday
This Sunday at 10 am, please come and visit your child's classroom, meet teachers and learn about our exciting vision for Sunday School!
Refreshments will be served.
Please note: the Bringing Up Boys adult Sunday School class will not meet this Sunday so that parents may participate in the open house.
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:23 PM
Sunday School Open House This Sunday
This Sunday at 10 am, please come and visit your child's classroom, meet teachers and learn about our exciting vision for Sunday School!
Refreshments will be served.
Please note: the Bringing Up Boys adult Sunday School class will not meet this Sunday so that parents may participate in the open house.
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:23 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Become A PowerPoint Star!
This is your chance to become a PowerPoint star...
If you've always wanted to have your finger on what's happening in our services - literally - then this is the opportunity you've been looking for!
Our Worship Coordinator, Sue DiPalma, is on the hunt for fresh volunteers for the PowerPoint ministry. In our technically advanced era, we've come to rely on presentation software for our song lyrics, announcements and sermon notes. You can pick up some new computer skills and bless the congregation by learning to run PowerPoint in either the first or the second service. As a special bonus, you'll also get to hang out in the back of the room with the cool sound guys and ushers!
If you're interested, please call the church office at (203) 531-7778.
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:05 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006
At Harvest Time This Weekend
This weekend our special guest will be Dr. Gary Kellner. Dr. Gary is president of the International Center for Christian Leadership, a cutting-edge training program that serves young ministers in numerous countries.
Dr. Gary has been instrumental in the burgeoning revival in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union; he has also been a long-time friend and mentor of Pastor Glenn and HTCI.
For a complete listing of services and events for the coming week, see our bulletin here.
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:49 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006
Cool Fun at Ice Cream Social!
Our Wednesday evening Ice Cream Social was a big hit! A sincere thank-you to everyone who crushed walnuts, chopped bananas, and served the scoops to the large crowd of kids, teens and adults. Harvest Time also celebrated its first-ever Popsicle Eating Contest. There were many categories and finally Matthew Dossantos and Izzy Pabon tied as winners (see picture above).
In 4 minutes, they ate a total of seven Ice Pops each...good sports!
Posted by
Harvest Time
8:51 AM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
It's time to GROW at Harvest Time!
Get ready to grow with us this Fall! We have an exciting line-up of activites and offerings on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for children, teens, and adults. There's something for everyone - what about you?
Click to learn more!
Tags: Connecticut, Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
9:19 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Alpha Course at Harvest Time

Three times a year, Harvest Time Church offers the Alpha Course. Alpha is an eleven week study for those interested in finding out more about the Christian faith, and is the most popular course of its kind in the world. Some 8 million people worldwide have been to Alpha!
- Who is Jesus?
- How to Read the Bible
- How to Resist Evil, and
- Does God Heal Today?
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
10:49 AM