It's cold today and VBS is long over - but wouldn't you like to revisit the summer just for a few minutes?
We've been busy adding lots of new pictures from throughout 2006 onto our new Flickr site - stop by and check it out! There are pictures from VBS, Midpoint Cafe, and lots of other great Harvest Time shots. Watch great photo slideshows and see all kinds of things at:
Keep those pictures coming in to us; this site will be as special and memorable as WE make it!
You can also help us out by spreading the word about how tremendously cool and awesome this blog is! tell all your friends in the church to visit The Harvest blog and our Flickr site!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Lots of new HT photos on Flickr!
Posted by
Harvest Time
4:40 PM
Thanksgiving at Harvest Time
A ham awaits its fate...
We know it's not about the food, right? May God bless you at Thanksgiving time!
Wednesday, November 22
Thanksgiving Eve Service, 7:00 pm for the entire family
Thursday, November 23
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 24
Church Office Closed
Sunday, November 26
Normal Sunday Service Schedule
Posted by
Harvest Time
12:15 PM
Friday, November 17, 2006
Major Changes in Harvest Time's Online Resources
We're making some changes to help you access Harvest Time information better and have fun doing it, too! Two things we want you to be aware of:
1. Flickr
What's a flickr? Flickr is the leading photo website on the entire Web, and now Harvest Time has its own Flickr site!
You can see Harvest Time's pictures by visiting this address:
There are tons of great features, albums to see and no passwords or accounts are needed to view pictures.
Do you have some great HT pictures you'd like us to post? Send in your great digital pictures to the church office. (Sorry - no time to scan!) It can be a photo of a church event, or even a great picture of Greenwich. Remember... these photos, once submitted, will be posted online. Don't panic - if you see a picture of yourself online that you'd like pulled, just let us know. We aim to please! So... start sending us your best HT pictures!
2. Airset Calendar to be replaced by Google Calendar
I'm afraid that the Airset experiment is not working out. Although it has some great features, the need for a password can create extra steps and annoyances for some people. Also, we do have a privacy concern with Airset as there may not be sufficient anonymity, particularly as the church continues to grow. For these reasons, we will no longer be updating the Airset calendar. It will not be taken down right away, so if you need data, it will still be available.
In place of Airset, we will begin to use Google Calendar as a web calendar. Google Calendar is up and coming and I think you'll enjoy it. The link to the calendar is impossibly long, so access it via the links on this blog or through the home page of our website at No passwords needed! We'll continue to update the events list on the website, of course.
(Bonus for Gmail users: if you are using Google Calendar as your personal calendar, you will be able to subscribe to HT's Google calendar. How cool is that?)
Please contact us if you have any comments or questions about these two steps, and thanks!
Tags: Greenwich, Westchester
Posted by
Harvest Time
12:16 AM
Friday, November 03, 2006
Mid Point Cafe Tonight with Special Guest The Siloam Band
The Siloam Band
Tonight Mid Point Cafe features the music of Siloam Band. Doors open at 6:30pm, event starts at 7:30 p m. Donations at the door: Adults $10 Teens $5.
The Siloam Band, winners of New England Musicians Expo national talent showcase, takes the stage with authority and passion beyond their years. Alden Skidd, the 14 year old lead singer, is a gifted songwriter and guitarist, whose passionate vocals sing of God's mercy. Georgia, provides a solid foundation for the band through her classical training and rock influences on keyboards. Georgia's voice adds an airy texture to the strong harmonies. Gabrielle plays an electric 5 string violin with boldness and energy. Although classically trained she is not afraid to use her pedal board to challenge the guitar solos. Auguste, the youngest member, is a powerhouse on vocals and an accomplished organ player, who co-wrote with Georgia the track "Breakdown".
For more on Siloam or to hear clips visit them at
Opening tonight is Harvest Time's own Melissa Vogel.
We're also happy to let you know that Mid Point Cafe now has its own website!
Visit Mid Point online at:
Come out tonight for a great night of Gospel music and a cup of Java!
Posted by
Harvest Time
3:18 PM